~~ I am a Wife, Mom, Daughter, Granddaughter, Aunt, Cousin, Friend,
~~ I am Blessed, Fun, Lazy, Crazy, Loud, Quiet, Shy, Outgoing
~~ I am a doer of all things! I love to volunteer in our community and lend a helping hand when I can. I am involved in our local Psi Iota Xi Philanthropic sorority where I am currently serving as Chapter President. I am on our schools PTO where I am currently serving as treasure. I work at our family heavy duty truck and trailer repair shop as the office manager. I am a great fundraiser / event planner so my friends tell me! I am a football, baseball, basketball and soccer mom!! I love to spend time with my family. Some of our favorite places are Panama City Beach, FL and Smoky Mountains, TN.. I love photography and wish I had more time to do it. Being outside is a plus as long as the bugs aren't being bothersome! You might often find us driving down a back road looking for deer. ( we live in Indiana and my husband hunts) We love Notre Dame and most importantly Notre Dame Football. Once season starts our Saturdays are spend watching our Irish play Football!! We love Football Saturdays!! I love to bake and cook but only when its cold outside!! I wish I had more artistic ability... I can't even cut a straight line!
~~ James 1:27 Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.
~~ James 1:27 is something we are very passionate about! We love the country of Haiti particularly. Haiti will forever be a part of who we are as individuals and as a family. Hopefully very soon Haiti will be -3 Orphans when we bring our children home!
~~ Kids This is the story of our kids and how they came into our life..
Kaden age 13 our first born is amazing!! He is the most kind and caring kid I have ever met! He is always thinking of others and wanting to lend a helping hand.. Kaden loves all sports he keeps us running from Basketball to Baseball to Football and camps in between he always has a ball in his hand.. I can only imagine what our Kaden will accomplish in his life. We are always telling him no dream is to big.. You Can! Kaden is currently serving as Student Council President and will be moving to the middle school next year when he starts 7th grade!
Wesley age 7 our second born... Doesn't this kid just look ornery! Well he is.. Wesley has a mind of his own and he doesn't like being told no! Wesley made his grand appearance right before "uncle Jacob's" wedding weekend which Zach and Kaden were suppose to be in! 5 weeks early he came into this world only weighing 5 pounds 8 ounces. Wesley is amazing and sweet and looks up to Kaden in every way. Wesley was finally old enough for sports this past fall and he started Soccer and loved it!! He will now be playing baseball this summer and we will see how that goes!!