Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Growing Up Is Hard To Do

So maybe not completely growing up but when your baby goes to preschool for the first time.... it makes you realize they don't stay little for long. Their is nothing you can do to stop them from growing up. Its part of nature part of how things work part of god's plan we all have to grow up no matter how sad it may be!  Wesley started preschool today out at the high school for the child development class preschool. Danielle is in the class so I am very excited that Wesley gets to be in the class while she is helping. Wesley's great friend Gracie is also in the class and he was very excited about that. This morning when he was getting ready he tells me "mommy my tummy hurts can't I just stay home with you" I told him No Wesley Gracie and Danielle would be sad if you weren't their. I also reminded him that we were going to McDonald's after preschool was over!

So as you can see I got some pics today.... Well that is because I ended up staying the whole time. At first Wesley wouldn't even play with the toys he wanted me by him at all times. He finally started playing and I was able to actually sit down. We are hoping that on Friday he will stay and I can actually leave. Even if its just going out to my car! Wesley's little friend Gracie also had a hard time her mommy didn't get to leave either. We both kind of knew this was going to happen but we were hoping for a little better outcome. All in all the kids had an allright time and now it was time for some McDonald's! We followed Gracie and her mom to McDonald's and Wesley was all excited. We never go in and eat and he thought that was cool. We had a nice lunch and talked to the kids about us leaving them at preschool on Friday! Mommy's can't stay and play at preschool!!
Could it be the Future Mr. & Mrs. Wesley Price


  1. I am so happy that the kids will be growing up together in the same class like we did! Hopefully Friday goes better for you!

  2. haha Love this post! I need to blog about our preschool experience still. Eek! Crossing my fingers for tomorrow!
