Its hard to believe its been 7 months since I last hugged and kissed these beautiful kids of mine.
It really doesn't get any easier... The waiting... The wondering.... Most days I try to push the pain to the back of my mind and not think about how long this journey has taken. I try not to think about the fact that Derline was 7 months old when we started and now she is 4. I try not to think about the fact that I thought Juvens would be starting kindergarten with Wesley and now we are almost halfway into 1st grade! I try not to think about the time Sophia screamed and cried when I gave her back to the orphanage director and we drove off in a car to catch our plane back to america!
I try not to think.. But its all still there its real its raw and my heart hurts it literally hurts when I think about it.
I never ever could of wrote this story myself. Only God! I would of skipped out long before now! But there is this faith we have in God believing in something we can not see. Believing that they will come home and believing that HIS plan is perfect! If this was my plan the story would of went oh so different. But that's the beauty in all this heartache its GODS plan and that's what makes it beautiful! I know he will make
beauty from these ashes!
I know I haven't updated everyone in a while so here it is. We exited IBESR on July 23rd after being stuck in that step for 14 months. Since exiting IBESR we have been in Parquet (which is court) we are being told our file is almost done (but almost does not have the same meaning in Haiti as it does here) So we need prayers for us to exit Parquet right now!! We are asking you to join in prayer with us for this specific prayer!
Thank you sweet friends for standing by us and praying this prayer with us! It takes a Village! And we are thankful for all of you!!
Love Karena & Zach
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