Counting down the days till we leave on a Jet Plane to see our beautiful girl Derline for the first time. We fly out of Chicago on August 12th into Miami and then from Miami to Port Au Prince on August 13th! We come home the following Saturday August 20th! This will be the first time for both Zach and I to fly on a plane! YIKES!!! Can you say nervous wreck!! As if I am not already nervous enough about what to take and who to look for at the PAP airport and what if and how much!! I now have to add the whole factor of flying with this! I know it will all be worth it and we are so grateful to get to go on this trip and bond with Derline!
I ask that if you read this blog please say an extra prayer for us. I know it is going to be an incredibly hard trip probably will be the hardest thing we have ever done!
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