Thursday, May 6, 2010

Thankful Thursdays

As I sit here and write my Thankful Thursday this week I am seeing things in a whole new light tonight and I know that I have one thing that I am very very very thankful for!

My Wonderful, Caring, Awesome, Loving Husband Zach!

You see tonight Zach was away at a class for work and he didn't get home till about 1am.. Well what is the problem with this or what was my light bulb moment in this! Well that was the whole night.. Usually we get the boys nightly things done together or Zach takes care of them while I am away doing one of my many things! I never realized how much work he does on his own while I am away working on stuff for PTO or working on things for Sorority or Leadership White County or the White County Youth Chamber... It just really made me sit back and think about all of that tonight and realize how lucky I am to have him and how Thankful I am to have him in my life!
I love you Zach with all my Heart!! I don't think you will ever know just how much I love you!!

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