Friday, April 8, 2011

Five Question Friday

It's Friday!!! Yeah!!! I am ready for the weekend and for some reason this week actually went pretty fast! It was full of bad news, a birthday, good news, meetings, baseball practice and a bunch of other stuff!! Phew I'm tired and really wanting to sleep in on Saturday Morning! Tonight we are going up to the annual Fish Fry to help support the annual Wolcott Summer Festival! I really don't like the fish but i love the broasted potatoes!! Yummy!! At any rate its an easy supper.. Well I haven't done one of these in a few weeks and thought I had better get back at it because they are fun! So here it goes!!

1. If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be?

hmmmmm... Well i would have to say I would exercise more and eat healthier so i would be thinner!!! there i said that pretty well! lol...

2. Write about a time when you got lost.

Oh my goodness.... Well it was on one of our annual trips south to the smoky mountains for thanksgiving and we were trying to find a road to get to the cabin check in place.... It was me and my sister Karie and we thought we were on the right road.... We were on Tuckaleechee road or so we thought.... we drove up and down this road called the cabin place told them we were on Tuckaleechee road they said ok you will see a Baptist church and a cemetery.... Well in the south those are on ever corner so of course we saw one... Well we drove up and down this road for probably an hour and then we figured out we were on Old Tuckaleechee Road..... Tuckaleechee Road was up a little ways and we finally found it but yeah for about an hour we were lost!! After that we were ready for the amazing race!  
 3. Camping 5 star hotel?
I really want to say camping here..... the man and the Little's love camping..... the man was brought up camping and the Little's have gathered that and really want to go..... I went once and was totally scared out of my mind I hated it and swore I would never do it again.... the only way would be in a camper... I think I could handle that..However we don't have a camper so for now I am going to stick with 5 star hotel!!  

4. Have you donated blood?
Nope I haven't I would really like to but needles don't like me!! For real they just don't like me... I also have some weird antibodies in my blood so I really wish I could donate because my blood is very rare so I feel like I should but really I can't!

5. Do you have a budget or do you 'fly by' most months?
For the most part we fly by... I don't like it and I would really like to stick to a budget...

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